Thursday, May 9, 2013

Raavi / Peepal Tree

This is an attempt to unreel the scientific facts about the Peepal Tree. The information in this post is just to the best of my gathered knowledge.
Peepal Tree is considered to be a sacred tree. Few temples have them and often people with health issues are asked to go around the tree n times a day or so and it works to the faith of people. Is it just the faith or something more to it?

Peepal Tree has nothing much edible; the wood of this tree is also not very strong or usable. A layman sees no direct use of this tree. They may axe it and make it extinct. But it is scientifically proven that the tree is capable of releasing more oxygen even during nights. It generates so much oxygen in one minute which is enough for approx 1000 living creatures. Peepal is the only tree that produces oxygen in abundant quantity day and night, which is so essential for life. Peepal tree would either release or not release carbon dioxide in the night depending on if they are epiphytic or not but mostly it does.
Personally I love the shape of the leaf. I use it in crafts and for painting.

Facts that are dictated and followed without much understanding:

1)    Go around the Peepal tree in the temple n number of times to improve your health.

Reason: True breath in healthier air. It definitely helps. Spend more time under this tree and take deep breaths for a better impact.

2)    Peepal tree should not be removed.

Reason: The health equation of the atmosphere there would change. And if you uproot the tree!! OMG! You are the reason why people around there are taking longer to heal. Kids there were more active before you did that. It is a curse from the heavens!!

Open Question:
Why do they tie thread around Peepal tree in temples? Is there any reason for this or is it a silly sneak?
