Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sleep Direction

This is a post totally out of my understanding based on information gathered from reading several articles. I could be wrong so please use your best judgement to infer things. I would love to see your ideas and also refine mine for the good. This is an amateur post!

Every thought in our brain is a form of energy that originated in our brain, propagated in our neurocircuits, encoded, decoded, and transformed in our body. A flow of energy is what we are merely. While active, the senses we have feed inputs to our brain and our brain dictates the reactions. Seems so effortless but isn’t so. During sleep, physical activity is minimal leaving the brain to its mechanical capacity to rejuvenate our body. Sleep is better when the pressure on the brain is relieved. Our senses are at minimal functioning.

A small current may shake you up but enough to shake your transformer.  A minute current may just tickle you but if in water, it can make you tumble. The same energy has a different impact at different times. We are constantly subjected to the gravitational forces of the earth. Aligning with these energies may aid our relaxation. And hence, we have a theory that tells us the best direction to sleep. Definitely stress and strain superimposes this. Please do not extra miles in finding the right direction to sleep when your body is yearning for sleep. Also when you are loaded with thoughts! I am sorry none of this works and your brain gets time to refresh you. In due course you are at loss.

So, under normal circumstances, is there a right direction to sleep?

Head towards South feet towards North is the best.
Head towards East feet towards west is also a good choice.

Here is my fav! WHY?
Knowing earth has a magnetic positive North Pole and negative south; health scientists tell us that we too have a similar magnetic stretch with the positive pole at the head and the negative one at the feet. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract. When we lay our heads on the north side, the two positive sides repel each other and there is a struggle between the two. There may be unnecessary drain of energies. When we lay our heads in the southern direction, there is mutual attraction and we are better relaxed.

We also know that our planet revolves itself from west to east, and sun's magnetic field enters earth from east side. This magnetic force enters our head if we lie with head on the east and exits through feet, promoting cool heads and warm feet as per the laws of magnetism and electricity. With head towards the west, cool feet and hot head that is a perfect aid to blast someone

More Info:

Scientists have long suspected that humans like many other animal species have an innate magnetic compass, but have been unsure as to how this affects us. The new research shows that some mammal species always graze and sleep facing north or south and that the earth's magnetic field is probably polarizing and causing this.

Following this, further studies have suggested that humans who sleep in an East-West position have far shorter rapid eye movement or REM sleep cycles, in which dreams occur, compared with North-South sleepers who got more REM sleep.

REM sleep is the final phase in our deep sleep cycle and it usually takes up 20-25% of the total sleep time. There are various theories about what REM is from neural pathway development to memory consolidation, but science is agreed that it is a vital function and so maximizing your amounts could help promote greater health and wellbeing.

Our sleep positions may have some beneficial effects, from increased REM sleep and energy flows to improved and regular patterns. As more research is carried out more will be known. But for now science and Eastern medicine- both agree that getting into a good, regular sleep pattern that suits you is important for everyone
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